Phone: 604-864-6400
Fax: 604-864-6484
Toll-Free: 1-877-864-6424
Chilliwack Location
42375 Yarrow Central Road
Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0K1

Abbotsford Location
#204 - 2776 Bourquin Cres. W.
Abbotsford, BC, V2S 6A4
For your convenience, Steadfast Properties Ltd. offers the eStrataHub electronic document delivery service from Access Point information Canada (APIC) to process requests for strata documents. There will be a convenience charge of $30 +GST for orders processed through eStrataHub.
How to submit and order:
Using a credit card:
- Go to APIC site at www.apicanada.com and click the “Register” link (registration and activation just takes a few minutes).
- After registering with APIC, log in and click the “Purchase Strata Documents” button.
- Click the “Create New Order” button and fill in the information.
Using myLTSA:
- Go to www.ltsa.ca and register.
- Log into myLTSA account
- Choose eStratahub
If you do not wish to use the eStratahub online credit card service, you can call our office for a manual order Form B Request form, however, if you wish to use this method, you will need to pay for your order with either exact cash or certified cheque when you pick up your documents from our office. Credit cards, etransfers or debit cards are not accepted at our offices.